During the pandemic of 2020/21 we (Keith & Janey) had tried to keep everything as normal as possible with Classes & a workshop on zoom, until we could get back into our venues. Unfortunately as time marched on we needed to look into creating some kind of income, as all dancers, dance companies and organisers had had to do.
Talk about fast and fortuitous! It all happened within just 3 weeks, from phoning a friend up to see how he was, to having 3 meetings & hey presto, there we were, the proud owner of the Temple Cafe Bar!!! Scary but very exciting.
So for anyone living close to Northwich Cheshire, (just 2 minutes walk from our Northwich Venue the Memorial Court) please come and visit us for some great food & a lovely catch up.
We offer:
1. Dancers Thursday, so you get a chance to meet up on the same day every week, with our dancer drop in, from 11am - 5pm, with great food before 4pm (tables are arranged for your individual bubbles).
2. Saturday Fizz, If you’d like to join fellow dancers in your own bubbles, join us on a Saturday night, presently 7pm - 10pm.