NEW VENUE - New Sunday Freestyle at Billingtons Ballroom & Restaurant, 3 Ascroft Street, Oldham, OL1 1HY - CLOSED Sorry
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Thank you for your lovely compliments last month. Lots on the night, but these are off Facebook.
“I had a lovely, lovely afternoon/evening, brilliant music and even better dances, thanks Keith & Craig”
“we had a great time, love your new event xx”
“Was a great night guys..thank you for the dances..x”
“great night , thank you so much”
“Loved the music great concept, thank you”
Unfortunately they put a minimum spend on the bar as well as the normal rent. Something not mentioned nor budgeted for when we first chatted/opened.
If this minimum bar spend wasn’t met, the difference would have been added onto our rent. That would have been approximately £220 extra rent. Add the rent to that & we would have been paying them out of our own money for the privilege.
We have tried to explain and compromise, but unfortunately this Minimum Bar Taking would not be removed or lowered to anything we could work with.
There are lots of lovely venues out there and we are actively looking.
We wish the team at Billingtons all the very best & hope we can work together at a later date. We understand business is business.
Quick Links Below for All Our Freestyle