We dance to make music visible...
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Class Nights

OPEN TO ALL - Class Nights Every Wednesday

Town Hall, Edward St, Stockport, Cheshire SK1 3XE.

Opens 7:15pm till 10:30pm with Free Parking Stockport Town Hall (£1 at the Guildhall)


Guildhall Freestyle Fri 28th February
Northwich Freestyle Sat 1st March
Stockport Freestyle Sat 15th March

Contact keith@revolutiondance.co.uk - Phone 07973 350210

Save £1 off Class Nights below:

I am enjoying dancing so much and have to tell you both that had it not been 
for your excellent professional and personal help and attitude, I would have sacked it after three weeks. Revolution was my first exposure to the dance world and no doubt the best start I could have had. You are top top people a million thanks.
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Click the button below, if you wish to see previous class videos, or click on the ‘Menu’ & then ‘Videos’.

General Info
What to expect, wear & a little bit more about us
‘Click Here for Etiquette & Safety’

Keith (Often your Teacher) & Vicky became the World Modern Jive & Scottish Ceroc Champions in 2018/19, so you really are being taught by the best, however:

Our philosophy on learning, is that it has to be fun, Modern Jive is a social dance, where people of all ages and backgrounds meet to socialise. So although we teach modern jive with a real flare, you cannot help but get caught up in the enthusiasm which helps to create great fun nights, whether it’s a: Class Night, Freestyle, Workshop, Weekender or Holiday

So if you want to learn something new; on your own or with a friend/partner, keep fit without it feeling like hard work, or meet new people, a Revolution Night will be just the thing and remember, almost 100% of Modern Jiver’s had no formal dance experience before they went to their first class, so you’ll never be alone if it’s your first time and have 2 left feet, people with two left feet are our speciality, so don’t be shy.

No partner nor experience required
Clothing should be comfortable & footwear should allow you to spin, therefore no training shoes...

Thank you for taking time to read a little about us. We hope you can join us soon.

Happy Dancing,
Keith & Janey xx

Revolution Dance© 2015
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